APDM: Aplikasi Pangkalan Data Murid

APDM (KPM), which stands for Aplikasi Pangkalan Data Murid, is a tool used by the Malaysian Ministry of Education (KPM) to manage student information. It’s like a digital hub where details about students, such as attendance records, are stored. Teachers mainly use the Student Database Application to keep track of students attending school each day.

Think of the Student Database Application as a big database containing information about Malaysian students. Parents and teachers use this tool to keep student info up to date. Student Database Application is also connected to other systems the Ministry of Finance developed, like SPS and SAPS. It’s one of the main tools the Ministry of Education Malaysia (KPM) made to handle student data.

When we say Aplikasi Pangkalan Data Murid, we mean the “Application for Student Database.” With APDM, we can log when students attend school. Aplikasi Pangkalan Data Murid One has had another name – Student Management Medical – since January 2015. There’s also a student app that teachers or school administrators can use. The principal or headmaster usually enters student-related data into this application.

Here you can log in to your APDM.

Types OF APDM Account

APDM (Student Database Application) accounts in Malaysia are typically different based on user roles and responsibilities within the education system. Here are some 

Common Types of APDM Accounts

  1. Teacher Accounts

Teachers use it to keep track of and record student attendance. Their accounts are mostly for keeping track of attendance, and they may also give them access to student information that is useful for their jobs as teachers.

  1. School Administrator Accounts

It is easier for school officials to use. They might handle all the information about students, make reports, and monitor how APDM is used in the school.

  1. Parent Accounts

Some versions of the Student Database Application may let parents see details about their child’s school and attendance. This access is often given to parents so they can be more involved in their child’s schooling.

  1. Ministry of Education Accounts

People working for the Ministry of Education may have special accounts with more access to handle policies, monitor how the Student Database Application is used on a larger scale, and ensure that rules are followed.

  1. System Administrators

People in charge of the Student Database Application system’s technical side and upkeep may have system administrator accounts. These users are responsible for the app’s general features, security, and updates.

  1. Student Accounts

In some cases, there may be accounts or pages that are just for students. However, kids usually don’t have as much access as teachers or administrators do.

Graphic Info Update APDM Information

Features Of APDM

The specific features of (Aplikasi Pangkalan Data Murid or Student Database Application) used by the Malaysian Ministry of Education may have evolved since then. However, here are some common features of  APDM.

  • Student Database Application allows teachers to record and track student attendance, providing a digital platform for daily attendance marking.
  • The application stores comprehensive information about each student, including personal details, academic records, and other relevant data.
  • Teachers and administrators can use the Student Database Application to organize and manage classroom-related information, such as class schedules and rosters.
  • Student Database Application may include features for tracking and monitoring students’ academic performance, including exam results, grades, and progress reports.
  • Some systems offer parents access to their child’s information, allowing them to monitor attendance, academic performance, and other relevant details.
  • APDM may include communication features to facilitate communication between teachers, students, and parents. This could consist of announcements, messages, and alerts.
  • Ensuring the security and confidentiality of student data is a crucial feature. APDM typically incorporates robust security measures to protect sensitive information.
  • The application may have reporting tools that allow educators and administrators to generate various reports related to attendance, academic performance, and other key metrics.
  • APDM may integrate with other educational systems, databases, or platforms to streamline data management processes.
  • Different users, such as teachers, administrators, and parents, may have different levels of access and permissions within the system to ensure data privacy and security.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of APDM

Advantages of APDM

  • Student Database Application makes it easy for teachers to quickly and efficiently record and track student attendance daily.
  • The application keeps all essential student information in one place, making it organized and easily accessible for teachers and administrators.
  • APDM may have tools that help improve communication between teachers, students, and parents, enhancing overall engagement.
  • Teachers can use APDM to monitor students’ academic performance, including grades and progress, helping identify areas for improvement.
  • Some systems allow parents to access their child’s information, fostering parental involvement in the student’s education.

Disadvantages of APDM

  • Technical glitches or issues with the application may occur, affecting its reliability and causing disruptions.
  • Teachers and staff may need training to use APDM effectively, which can take time and resources.
  • There may be concerns about the security of student data, and it’s crucial to ensure that the system has robust security measures in place.
  • In some cases, limited access to technology or internet connectivity may hinder the application’s accessibility for all users.
  • Some users, especially those accustomed to traditional methods, may initially resist using technology for student data management.

How to Register an APDM Account


  • Teachers usually don’t register individually. Reach out to your school administration for guidance.
  • If needed, share personal info with the school admin for account creation.

School Administrators

  • Talk to the Ministry of Education or your school’s IT support to start the registration.
  • Fill out any provided forms and submit the required documents.
  • After your approval, you will receive login details such as a username and password.


  • Parents usually don’t register directly. Ask your child’s school about accessing it.
  • If allowed, share the necessary info with the access school.
  • The school will give you login details to see your child’s data if approved.


  • Follow official procedures from the Ministry of Education.
  • Stay in touch with your school for updates.
  • Check official communications for any specific instructions.

Information Update Notification Letter in the Student Management Module for the new 2024/2025 Session Academic Calendar!

APDM Login

  • Go to the official APDM website:  https://apdm.moe.gov.my/.
  • Look for the login area on the main page of the APDM website. It usually has spaces for your username and password.
  • Use the username and password given to you by your school or education authorities. Type them into the designated spaces.
  • Some systems might have extra security steps, like solving a CAPTCHA or using two-factor authentication. Just follow any instructions that come up.
  • After typing your details, click the “Login” or “Submit” button to start the login process.
  • Once logged in, you’ll be taken to the APDM dashboard. This is where you can track attendance, manage student info, and use communication tools.
APDM Login

Information Update Guide for Non-Citizens and Citizens Without Documents

For Teacher

Information Update Guide for Non-Citizens and Citizens Without Documents

For Admin

For Admin

Benefits of APDM Online

The APDM online application has several advantages, which are listed below.

  • Student Database Application is an online application through which Malaysian teachers and parents can quickly enter or view their students’ data or information. Access to student data is effortless, and teachers and The school administration can only access APDM through the Internet.
  • Management and teachers can easily access student information through the APDM online application and can quickly enter and view data with its help. There is no margin for error as compared to using the manual way.
  • The Student Database Application online system makes student attendance real, and teachers and administration need not worry about student attendance.
  • The APDM online system allows schools to manage various academic achievements of students, such as exams and overall performance, if they give or keep data about them.
  • Through the APDM online application, students can apply for significant academic assistance with or without a scholarship.
  • Through the APDM online application, every student can quickly get exam date sheets or syllabi data.
  • Through the it online application, schools can learn about national education policies, and the education ministry can easily view student performance and reports.
  • Through the APDM online application, we can reduce the data errors usually occurring in the manual student atom.
  • It online keeps the students’ data safe, protects their data, and supports the security of their personal information.

For More Information

Email for any questions or more details about this system (Aplikasi Pangkalan Data Murid).

StatePhone numberE-mail
NINE STATES019-6233882jpnn9.apdm@moe.gov.my
PENANG ISLAND04-6521038apdm.pp@moe.gov.my
WP KUALA LUMPUR03-62046085jpwpkl.apdm@moe.gov.my
WP LABUAN087-583351hjmingguamat@icloud.com
WP PUTRAJAYA03-88890000 ext. 0088apdm.putrajaya@moe.gov.my

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Student Database Application is used by teachers, students, parents, and school administration in addition to them. APDM is mainly used to keep students’ attendance and academic records.

Student Database Application mainly keeps students’ attendance and academic records.

Yes, parents can also access APDM and view their children’s records.

Student Database Application keeps up-to-date student records and contains the academic performance and other relevant information required for educational management.

The registration process varies for different user types. Teachers and administration can register with their schools, and parents can contact their children’s schools for access.

Student Database Application is linked to other systems developed under the Ministry of Finance, like SPS and SATS.

Yes, students have limited access to certain features. But its main users are teachers, administrators, and parents.

It has kept the students’ data secure and takes responsibility for it.

Management and teachers can easily access student information through the Student Database Application online application and can easily enter and view data with its help. There is no margin for error as compared to using the manual way.

Teachers should update the Student Database Application daily to ensure correct attendance records, as it is essential.

For any problem related to it, users can contact their school administration or relevant IT support, and they will solve your problem.