How to Confirm APDM KPM Attendance In 2024


When we say Aplikasi Pangkalan Data Murid, we mean the “Application for Student Database.” With APDM, we can log when students attend school. Aplikasi Pangkalan Data Murid One has had another name – Student Management Medical – since January 2015. There’s also a student app that teachers or school administrators can use. The principal or headmaster usually enters student-related data into this application.

Confirm APDM KPM Attendance

If you are a student, you have probably heard of APDM, the APDM KPM Attendance and Performance Data Management System many schools use. This system makes it easy for professors to track attendance and for students to check their attendance records.

But what happens when you miss the last date for the attendance confirmation? Don’t panic – here’s a step-by-step guide on verifying your APDM KPM Attendance.

Method To Confirm APDM KPM Attendance

  • Login to APDM: First, log in to your school’s APDM system. You can usually access it through the student portal or by typing “APDM” and your school name on a search engine. After logging in, go to the attendance section.
  • Check the missed due date: Before confirming your attendance, check to see if you’ve missed the deadline. Some schools have a grace period after the initial deadline during which students can still confirm attendance. If so, follow the guidelines provided by your school.
  • Email Your Professor: If you still need to complete a deadline and there is no grace period, the next step is to email your professor. Explain why you missed the deadline and politely ask if they can still confirm your attendance at class that day. Professors usually understand and may be able to update your attendance record manually.
  • Provide proof: If your professor agrees to certify your attendance, please provide proof. This could be a signed attendance sheet or an online class session screenshot. Your professor may also have specific requirements for proof, so be sure to clarify this with them.
  • Follow-up: Remember to follow up with your professor after confirming your attendance. Thank them for their assistance and ensure your attendance is updated in APDM.
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It’s not fun to miss the deadline for confirming APDM KPM Attendance, but students can handle the situation by acting quickly and politely. Students can ensure that their attendance records in the APDM system are correct and up to date by using contact channels, attaching the necessary proof, and working together with their professors.

You Can Also Read More: Get APDM Online Data New Method 2024

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Some schools may have a grace period for confirming attendance after the initial deadline. Check with your school's guidelines to see if this option is available.

You can typically log in to your school's APDM system through the student portal or by searching "APDM" along with your school name on a search engine.

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