How to Update APDM Parents Information In 2024

Update APDM Parents Information

APDM Parents’ account is very important in checking the child’s progress in class. One important part of APDM is that it lets you keep correct information about a student’s parents or guardians up to date. Therefore, schools can better talk to students’ families and update them on their child’s activities and growth.

APDM is an online system that schools and other educational institutions in Malaysia use to track student records, information, and actions. It saves personal information, academic records, extracurricular activities, and family history.

Why is it important to keep the facts about APDM Parents up to date?

It is important to keep mother, father, and guardian details up to date in APDM for several reasons:

  • Communication that works: Given correct contact information, schools can contact parents or guardians by phone, text, or email. This is very important when things go wrong, like when someone gets sick, or an accident happens.
  • Getting involved in school: Parents and guardians are critical to their kids’ schooling. By keeping their information current, schools can get parents involved in their children’s schoolwork and extracurricular activities, which can help the students do better in school.
  • Call for emergencies: In case of an emergency at school, it is essential to have up-to-date details on parents or guardians. This lets the school contact them quickly and ensure the kids are safe.
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How to Change Information About Mother, Father, or Guardian in APDM

To change the information about a mother, father, or guardian in APDM, follow these steps:

  • Use your username and password to log in to the main APDM website.
  • Select “Student Information” from the main page after logging in.
  • Use the search bar to find the kid whose mother, father, or guardian information needs to be changed.
  • When you find the student, click on their name. Their information will appear in a new window.
  • Go to the bottom of the page and scroll until you see “Family Information.” To change details about a parent or guardian, click on “Modify” next to their name.
  • Change information like name, relationship, phone number, and location in the appropriate fields.
  • After making all the needed changes, click “Save” to change the mother, father, or guardian information in APDM.
  • Ensure that the new information shows up correctly on the student’s information page after saving the changes.
How to Update Guardian Information in APDM New Method 2024

How to Keep Information About Your Mother, Father, or Guardian Up-To-Date

To make sure that the information in APDM about the mother, father, or guardian stays correct and up to date, follow these steps:

  • Inform the school immediately if any of the parents’ or guardians’ contact information changes.
  • Parents and guardians should be reminded often to update their information if anything changes.
  • Someone on your team should be in charge of regularly updating and checking parent and guardian information.
  • Once a year, check in with parents or guardians to ensure the information in APDM is correct.
How to Update APDM Parents Information In 2024
How to Update APDM Parents Information In 2024


Updating APDM with new information about mothers, fathers, and guardians is necessary for good communication and parent involvement in school and situations. Schools can make sure that this important information is always correct and up to date by following the easy steps listed above and using the expert advice given.

Not only will this help the school, but it will also help the kids and their families. Because of this, it is very important to keep the information about the mother, father, or guardian in APDM up to date. If you want to do it again, don’t forget to update those information!

You Can Also Read More: Delete Students in APDM New Method 2024


1. How do I log in to update parent information on APDM?

To log in and update parent information on APDM, go to the main APDM website and use your username and password. Once logged in, navigate to the “Student Information” section to start making updates.

2. What specific details can I update for a student’s parents or guardians?

You can update various details, including the name, relationship to the student, phone number, email address, and home address of the parents or guardians.

3. What should I do if a parent’s contact information changes during the school year?

If a parent’s contact information changes, inform the school immediately so they can update the information in APDM. This ensures that all communication and emergency contact details remain accurate.

4. How often should we check and update parent information in APDM?

It’s a good practice to review and update parent information in APDM at least once a year. Additionally, remind parents and guardians to update their information promptly if any changes occur.

5. Who is responsible for updating parent information in APDM?

Typically, a designated member of the school staff is responsible for updating and verifying parent information in APDM. However, parents and guardians should also be proactive in informing the school about any changes to their contact details.

6. Why is it important to keep parent information updated in APDM?

Keeping parent information updated ensures effective communication between the school and families. It helps in involving parents in their child’s education, facilitates emergency contacts, and supports the overall safety and well-being of students.

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